Andrew McCullough's Blog

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

General Election Campaign Commences

June 26, 2012 Well, tonight marks the beginning of the general elction campaign. John Swallow has won the Republican Primary, and will be the strong favorite for the general election. The Democrat, Dee Smith, has little money, and not much of a chance, Further, he apparently is a member of his party's realtively small conservative wing, and may not get a lot of support from the more "progressive" or liberal wing. The campaign between Mr.Swallow and Mr. Reyes turned nasty near the end, with both accusing the other of dirty campaigning. And then, last Friday, Reyes filed a Defamation lawsuit against Swallow and others, accusing them of untruths regarding his character and record. We can only wonder whether the rift in the Republican Party will be healed in the next few months. I can't help but hope that some of Mr. Reyes' supporters will join my campaign to give Utah a real alternative. Things may indeed get more lively. Unlike those who work for the government, I cannot take a leave of absence to campaign full time. I will continue to do what I can to spread the word, but I need more help. My first batch of yard signs, donated by a client, have gone out, and I need more. They are expensive. I also need to advertise online and in other forums, all of which are also expensive. And, closer to the election, I will need people to pass out literature and make personal contacts. If you value freedom, and want a little fun and adventure, please consider helping out. Donations can be made through my website at I also have a FaceBook campaign page -- Andrew McCullough for Utah AG. Join me there, and help spread the word to your friends. Mr. Swallow trumpets loudly his conservatism. Utah conservatives tend to support smaller government except in areas where they think they should have the right to legislate morals. They try and take sex education out of schools. They pass ridiculous restrictions on legal abortions (I don't like abortions, but I do not support making them illegal). They support making a whole generation of young people into criminals for no other reason than smoking marijuana. They support government interference in family matters, including removing children from their home for inadequate reasons. They support aerial surveillance by drones and blimps. If this kind of oppressive government bothers you like it bothers me, there is an alternative. Tell a friend, make a donation, and get involved.
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